GUILD Caribbean 2025 Program

Second Annual Gastroenterology Updates IBD and Liver Disease

  Sunday (1/12/25) Monday (1/13/25) Tuesday (1/14/25) Wednesday (1/15/25)
7:30-8:30 AM Breakfast with faculty:
Breakfast with faculty:
Breakfast with faculty:
Breakfast with faculty:
8:30 – 9:20 AM
Year in Review:
Best Papers in Crohn’s Disease
Edward Loftus, MD
Millie Long, MD
Year in Review:
Best Papers in Gastroenterology
Baha Moshiree, MD
Prateek Sharma, MD
Year in Review:
Best Papers in Ulcerative Colitis
David Rubin, MD
David Hudesman, MD
Year in Review:
Best Papers Hepatology
Elliot Tapper, MD
Arun Sanyal, MD
9:30 – 10:00 AM
Deep Dive:
IL-23s in IBD: How, When and Why
David Rubin, MD
State of the Art:
Management of Obesity: The role of the gastroenterologist
Reem Sharaiha, MD
Hot Topic:
Healthcare disparities in IBD
Oriana Damas, MD
Ask The Consultant:
Managing HBV –updating practice based on new guidelines
Norah Terrault, MD

10:05-10:35 AM


How I Do It:
What GI’s need to know about Stomas
Miguel Regueiro, MD
How I Do It:
Management of the patient with Celiac Disease
Benjamin Lebwohl, MD
Consultant Hot Seat:
The Dermatologist
George Martin, MD
Clinical Pearls:
Variceal bleeding – update on prevention and management
Elliot Tapper, MD
10:40 – 11:10 AM Break / Exhibits Break / Exhibits Break / Exhibits Break / Exhibits
11:10 – 11:40 AM
Consultant Hot Seat:
The Rheumatologist
Arthur Kavanaugh, MD
Clinical Pearls:
Managing Medications prior to Endoscopy: From GLP-1s to DOACs
Reem Sharaiha, MD
Trust but Verify:
How to Critically Read an Abstract and Journal Article
Millie Long, MD
State of the Art:
MASLD Treatment in 2025
Arun Sanyal, MD
11:40 AM – 12:15 PM
State of the Art:
IBD in the Elderly: From Fear to polypharmacy
David Hudesman, MD
Hot Topic:
Feel the Burn: Updates in GERD, Barrett’s and EoE
Prateek Sharma, MD
State of the Art:
Management of Anorectal Disease in Crohn’s and UC
Miguel Regueiro, MD
Improving the Quality of Care:
Screening for Liver Cancer
Norah Terrault, MD
12:15-12:30 PM Questions
Questions Questions Questions
12:30 – 12:45 PM Break Break Break Break
12:45 – 1:15 PM
Product Theater
Lunch and Lecture
Product Theater Product Theater Product Theater

Clinical Cases (12:15-1:00):

Norah Terrault, MD

1:15 – 1:30 PM Break Break Break

1:30 – 2:05 PM

Questions: 2:05-2:10

IBD Cases with the Faculty:
Case Based IBD Review
Uma Mahadevan, MD and IBD Faculty
Management of the patient with Gastroparesis
Baha Moshiree, MD
Hot Topic:
Understanding the role of diet in the development and perpetuation of IBD
Oriana Damas, MD
1:00 PM: Meeting Closure
2:10 – 3:30 PM IBD Cases with the Faculty continued:
Case Based IBD Review
Uma Mahadevan, MD and IBD Faculty
General GI Cases with the Faculty:
Moderator: Benjamin Lebwohl, MD
Faculty: Baha Moshiree, MD, Prateek Sharma, MD, Reem Sharaiha, MD
Clinical Pearls:
PSC and IBD:
Epidemiology and treatment differences
Edward Loftus, MD
Practical Advice: How to start your patient on a new biologic/small molecule: Pre-checks to monitoring

Uma Mahadevan, MD
6:00 PM Welcome Dinner


Breakfast and Breaks: Posters and Exhibits
At the breakfast session and at the breaks between sessions, attendees will have the opportunity to review poster presentations, interact with the authors, and view the exhibit area. Faculty will be in the breakfast area meeting informally with the attendees.

Session Descriptions:

Year in Review:
Two speakers will have about 15 minutes each to present and defend their choice for the important papers/abstracts/news stories/etc. from the previous year on key topics. At the end, there will be 10 minutes available for audience Q&A and discussion.

“Outside the Box” and Special Seminars:
One speaker will cover a topic relevant to but perhaps outside of traditional gastroenterology topics. 30 minutes for lecture, 10 minutes for Q&A.

“How I do it” Seminar:
One speaker will cover a topic in gastroenterology from their expert personal perspective, supplemented by literature review, and presented in case format for 20 minutes with 10 minutes for Q&A.

Deep Dive:
An in depth and nuanced exploration of the topic.

Hot Topic:
One speaker will cover a topic of particular new relevance to gastroenterologists, presenting the latest evidence, recommendations, etc. 20-30 minutes for lecture, 10 minutes for Q&A.

Review by leading expert, an often author, of society guidelines in a particular topic and how to implement them in your practice. 30-minute talk with 10 minutes for audience Q+A.

Ask the Consultant:
A gastroenterologist will be able to present short, common cases to a non-GI specialist for their practical advice. This year, we will quiz a rheumatologist on disease and drug related arthralgias and rheumatic events in IBD.

The Hot Seat:
One faculty member presents cases to a panel of faculty and to the audience to stimulate discussion on approaches to challenging cases.

Improving Quality of Care:
“Quality” is a buzzword in medicine today. This series addresses specific topics where providers can troubleshoot and improve their patient care.

Panel Discussions:
All faculty and the audience members participate and give their assessment of and opinions on key topics in our field.


Click HERE for questions or to request additional information regarding the 2025 Guild Conference.